1. First-stage safety lock:
The plug It was designed to have clip lock on both sides of the plug, perfectly fit with finger contacting grib. The dimension is 8.5 mm. width, 19.0 mm. length and 3.0 mm. thickness. The user can clearly see clip lock from the outside. (see Figure 1.1) Clip lock surface is designed to be similar to a small fishscale pattern, arrange in line, parallel on the width of the clip lock along NIRAPAI logo.The direction of the fishscale-like surface reverse to the pulling direction so that the user can firmly hold the clip while pulling the plug out from the socket.
Advantage: The plug has a load-capacity no less than 10 kg. (As attach :Tensile Strength Test report from MTEC) and 300-500 g. of finger press to detach the plug. Only one step to insert the plug into the socket and vice versa.
Safety, single extension Plug is another friendly-user innovation.
Moreover, the contrast colour between clip lock and the body helps user to understand the function of clip lock instantly. Furthermore, clip lock can be disassembled and changed if broken, or changed into a different colour for different usages. In addition, it can increase the socket life by preventing the disconnecte between plug and socket from any accidents.

The socket is installed with locking position ring with rectangular shape at both ends of the socket where clip lock of the plug will be snapped on firmly. In the other words, when the user pushes the Safety Plug into the socket, the user will hear “click”. The sound indicates complete connection between plug and socket and is ready to use.
Users can see the hook system distinctly from the outside. This allows them to understand its usage easily without any instruction.
Finger-supported area on the side of socket body is designed to have small fish scale-like surface similar to the plug so that user can grab it firmly.
The advantage of the socket is to provide strength and consistency during connection, to prevent the loosen plug, to stabilize electric current, and to increase electronic apparatus and appliances life by lowering short circuit, which lead to safety in life and property and better quality of life that the normal plug cannot offer. (See Figure 1.2)